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Team Member KPIs Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Team Member KPIs Dashboard provides an in-depth analysis of each Team Members current performance. This dashboard empowers each to monitor and evaluate their individual metrics that facilitates a thorough analysis of both their strengths and areas in need of improvement. By simply navigating through this report and examining the visual representations, they can swiftly discern whether they are meeting their targets or falling short.

Why is it important?

The Team Member KPIs Dashboard allows you to:

  • Identify areas for improvement, both at the individual and team levels. This data-driven approach promotes a culture of continuous learning and growth.

  • Highlight areas where efficiency can be improved. This can lead to streamlined processes, reduced workload, and increased productivity.

  • Empower Team Members to work towards specific goals and objectives. This alignment helps the team stay focused on achieving key outcomes.

Explore the Team Member KPIs Dashboard by clicking through the interactive demo below!

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

Timesheets & Productivity

  • What is Productivity?

    • Productivity is measured by dividing Billable Hours by Capacity Hours. To improve productivity and meet targets, focus on increasing Billable Hours.

  • What are Billable and Non-Billable Hours?

    • Billable Hours: Time logged that can be charged to clients.

    • Non-Billable Hours: Time logged that cannot be charged to client.

  • Where do you get Leave Hours?

    • Leave Hours come from Capacity Settings in XPM. Team members should record their leave hours in timesheets for accurate data.

  • What are Total Timesheets Hours?

    • Total Timesheets Hours is the sum of all Billable and Non-Billable Hours logged.

  • What are Capacity Hours?

    • Capacity Hours are the total hours available, as recorded in the Google Sheets during the Scoping phase.


  • How are Billable Hours calculated?

    • Billable Hours are the hours logged that are chargeable to clients.

  • How is WIP Added calculated?

    • WIP Added is the total amount from all timesheets entered within a given date range.

  • How is Actual Production calculated?

    • Actual Production is the sum of WIP Added and Write Ons/Offs.

  • How is Productivity calculated?

    • Productivity is calculated by dividing Billable Hours by Capacity Hours.

  • How are Write Ons/Offs calculated?

    • Write Ons/Offs are the difference between the invoiced amount and the WIP amount. If the invoiced amount is higher than the WIP, it’s a Write On; if lower, it’s a Write Off.

  • How is Target Production calculated?

    • Target Production is found in the Online Spreadsheet, specifically in the Monthly Production KPI tab under Monthly Target Billing.


  • What’s the difference between Billed Hourly Rate and WIP Hourly Rate?

    • Billed Hourly Rate: The average amount billed per hour worked.

    • WIP Hourly Rate: The average WIP amount per hour worked.

  • What is Recoverability?

    • Recoverability measures how well Work in Progress (WIP) is converted into billable revenue. It’s the ratio of WIP to the invoiced amount, indicating how much WIP is successfully billed.

  • What is Write Ons/Offs and how is it determined?

    • Write Ons/Offs show if work or timesheets can be invoiced at a higher rate than their WIP value. It’s calculated by subtracting WIP from the invoiced amount to see if the invoice exceeds WIP.


  • What is WIP Added?

    • WIP Added is the total amount from all timesheets entered within a specified date range.

  • What is WIP Invoiced?

    • WIP Invoiced is the cumulative amount that has been invoiced within the specified date range.

  • What is WIP Difference?

    • WIP Difference is the difference between WIP Added and WIP Invoiced, showing the variance between new WIP and what has been invoiced.

  • What is WIP Total?

    • WIP Total is the current amount of unbilled work in your WIP Balance.

  • What is the ideal movement of WIP Total?

    • Ideally, WIP Total should fluctuate. An upward trend may indicate that WIP isn’t being invoiced enough, while a downward trend suggests that the team may be able to take on more work.

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