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Job Management Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Job Management Dashboard serves as a comprehensive tool to facilitate the oversight of your Open Jobs. Not only does it allow you to monitor current positions, but it also provides a deep dive into key metrics associated with these jobs. By using this dashboard, you can quickly assess and analyse these metrics, ensuring that they align with your organisational standards.

Why is it important?

  • Provides a clear view of all Open Jobs and empowers Team Members to prioritise jobs and tasks based on urgency, complexity, or importance.

  • Manages jobs effectively, overruns and unnecessary costs can be minimised, leading to better financial outcomes.

  • Monitors open jobs provide key metrics for evaluating team performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Explore the Job Management dashboard by clicking through the interactive demo below!

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

  • How is WIP Balance Computed? Is it Different from WIP in WIP Management?

    • No, they are not distinct.

  • Why do some Job Managers have a Job Budget while others don't?

    • It depends on whether the Job Budget Field for the job has been filled out.

  • How is the computation of WIP vs. Budget done?

    • It is calculated as the ratio of WIP Balance to the Job Budget.

  • What does Billing vs. Budget signify?

    • Billing vs. Budget is the ratio of Billing to Date compared to the Job Budget. It provides insight into how much of the Budget for the Job has been invoiced.

  • What is Estimated Hours, and where is it entered in XPM?

    • Estimated Hours, entered at the Task level, represents the projected time required to complete a specific Task.

  • What is Actual vs. Estimated, and how is it determined?

    • Actual vs. Estimated allows you to compare the Actual timesheets with the Estimated hours entered at the Task level of the job. This comparison helps assess whether team members are completing tasks within the initially estimated time.

  • What distinguishes Total Task from Open Task?

    • Total Task refers to the count of all Tasks in open jobs, whereas Open Tasks refers to the count of tasks within those jobs that have not yet been marked as completed at the task level.

  • How can Overdue Jobs be reduced?

    • Overdue Jobs can be minimised by ensuring that Team Members complete their tasks within the specified Due Date.

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