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WFM Open Jobs Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Open Jobs Dashboard offers features and functions which enable you to track and monitor progress of each open job through defined key indicators. This dashboard provides you with metrics data and calculations that highlights operational efficiency, resource utilization, and revenue conversions.

Why is it important?

The Open Jobs Dashboard provides you with the following relevant information:

  • Empowers you to take control and manage open jobs based on job volume, billing, and lead times

  • Offers insights that are essential in prioritizing high-value clients and optimizing resource utilizations

  • Provides key indicators for determining overall operational efficiency which translate to cost minimization and profit maximization

Explore the Open Jobs Dashboard by clicking through the interactive demo below!

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

  • How can I use the dashboard to decide which clients to prioritise?

    • The dashboard shows a detailed view of open and overdue jobs, along with billing information. By looking at these top-ranking tables, you can see which clients need the most attention. You can also customise the data using built-in features to focus on the clients that require priority based on the metrics and filters available.

  • What data range limitations can I set in the dashboard?

    • You can set data range limitations by choosing from available time period options or by manually entering start and end dates. You can also adjust the data range directly from the dashboard by selecting items or points on the graph.

  • How does the dashboard help in assessing target achievement?

    • The dashboard calculates how Total WIP matches the WIP Budget to show if you’re hitting profitability targets. It also provides details on task and milestone achievements to show the progress of each open job.

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