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Step 2: Navigate Dashboard Reports and Filters
DashboardInsights Team avatar
Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

Now, let’s dive into the dashboard reports.

Each report offers visibility of metrics and data-driven insights into various aspects of your business operations and management:

  • Billing

  • Profitability

  • Job

  • Team Member

  • WIP

  • Data Integrity

Utilize filters

To get started, navigate to the homepage of the reports section.

In this section, you can set your preferred filters for the reports you want to see.

You can filter by date range, client details, job specifics, and staff attributes.

This allows for precise tailoring of information based on the criteria most relevant to your needs.

For instance, to filter by client, select options like Client Partner, Client Manager, Client Group, or Client Name.

Similarly, job and staff filters can be adjusted to refine your data further.

Maximize the Report Filters to your advantage by drilling down on the specific attributes you want to reflect on your dashboards.

Navigate each dashboard

To begin navigating your dashboards, head over to the left-hand menu on the main screen.

This menu is your gateway to different dashboards with different data and reports for your needs.

Select the dashboard you want to view.

As an example, here is what the Billing dashboard looks like.

The Billing dashboard is a powerful tool for managing your financial data and gaining insights into your business's billing health.

To access more detailed reports, begin by selecting the specific billing data you wish to see on the top buttons of your screen.

For example, this is what the Overall Billing looks like.

From this page, you can further filter the data by clicking the filter icon on the top-left corner of your screen.

Similar to the WFM Dashboard Homepage, you can filter by date range, client details, job specifics, and staff attributes.

Master navigating your dashboards by clicking through the other pages and reports your WFM Dashboards are packed with!

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