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Profit & Loss Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over 4 months ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Profit & Loss Dashboard is designed to help accountants quickly track, analyse, and visualise a business's financial health. It brings together all key revenue and expense data, making it easy to monitor profitability and spot trends.

Why is it important?

The Profit & Loss Dashboard offers you with the following relevant information:

  • Offers a clear snapshot of your business’s financial health, showing income, expenses, and profits in one place. This helps you quickly assess how the company is performing and take immediate action if necessary.

  • Easily spot trends, compare periods, and assess the financial performance of the business. This helps in identifying profitable areas as well as cost-cutting opportunities, which is essential for strategic planning.

  • Simplifies complex financial data into clear visuals and summaries, helping you review your client’s finances more efficiently.

Interactive demo

Profit & Loss - Summary

Profit & Loss - Trend

Profit & Loss - Period and Cumulative

Profit & Loss - Matrix

Dashboard FAQs

  • Can I customise the Profit & Loss Dashboard to highlight specific metrics for different clients?

    • Yes, the Proft & Loss Dashboard is customisable. You can select the metrics that matter most to your client’s financial situation.

  • What key financial metrics are shown on the Profit & Loss Dashboard?

    • This dashboard typically displays P&L metrics such as total revenue, gross profit, cost of sales.

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