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Financial Summary Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Financial Summary Dashboard provides accountants with a concise snapshot of a client’s financial status, presenting key Profit & Loss metrics. This page is designed to give you a high-level overview of your client’s financial performance, so you can easily identify areas of strength or concern, and offer advice based on real-time data.

Why is it important?

The Financial Summary Dashboard offers you with the following relevant information:

  • Shows key data on your client’s income and expenses, helping you quickly assess profitability. With this information, you can offer advice on cost control, revenue generation, and overall financial health.

  • Simplifies complex financial data into clear visuals and summaries, helping you review your client’s finances more efficiently.

  • Gives you a clear overview of how effectively your client is managing their finances, including debt, receivables and revenue. This helps you identify potential areas for improvement and guide your client towards more efficient financial strategies.

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

  • Can I customise the Financial Summary Page to highlight specific metrics for different clients?

    • Yes, the Financial Summary Page is customisable. You can select the metrics that matter most to your client’s financial situation.

  • What key financial metrics are shown on the Financial Summary Page?

    • The Financial Summary Page typically displays metrics such as total revenue, gross profit, operating expenses, net profit. These key figures give you a broad picture of your client’s financial situation.

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