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Advisory Summary Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Advisory Summary is designed to give you a quick, clear overview of your client’s financial situation. It pulls together important metrics, trends, and key insights in one place, so you can easily see what’s going on with your client’s business and make smarter, more timely recommendations.

Why is it important?

The Advisory Summary Dashboard offers you with the following relevant information:

  • Highlights important financial metrics, giving you a comprehensive snapshot of their client's business performance in one place.

  • Streamlines the presentation of client data, this page enables you to focus on key advisory tasks. It reduces the need for digging through multiple reports, saving time and enhancing the quality of advice provided.

  • Helps you make better recommendations but also makes it simpler to explain complex financial info to your clients, improving your overall communication.

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

  • Can I customise the Advisory Summary Page to highlight specific metrics?

    • Yes, the Advisory Summary Page is customisable. You can select the metrics that matter most to your client’s financial situation.

  • How can I use the Advisory Summary Page to prepare for client meetings?

    • The Advisory Summary Page is a great tool for preparing for client meetings. It allows you to quickly identify trends, opportunities, or potential concerns, so you can approach the meeting with confidence. This way, you’ll be well-prepared to discuss key points without needing to go through multiple reports. It helps make your conversations more focused and productive, offering clients clear insights right from the start.

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