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Revenue Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Revenue Dashboard provides accountants with a detailed view of a business’s revenue performance. It offers comprehensive insights into revenue trends, comparisons, top customers, and performance across different accounts or organisations, enabling you to make smarter financial decisions and drive business growth.

Why is it important?

The Revenue Dashboard offers you with the following relevant information:

  • Allows you to visualise revenue trends over time and compare them across different periods. This feature helps you easily spot seasonal fluctuations, track growth, and identify patterns that can influence business strategies.

  • Identifies untapped opportunities or areas where revenue may be underperforming. This enables you to make targeted decisions to maximise revenue and address any gaps.

  • Generates clear, visually engaging reports from the dashboard saves time and enhances communication with stakeholders.

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Dashboard FAQs

  • Can I compare revenue across different time periods?

    • Yes! The dashboard lets you easily compare revenue from different periods—whether it’s month-over-month, year-over-year, or custom date ranges—giving you a deeper understanding of revenue growth and trends.

  • How do I view my top customers by revenue?

    • The dashboard provides a dedicated section for identifying your top customers by revenue. You can see a ranked list, making it easy to focus on the clients who contribute the most to your bottom line.

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