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Business Metrics Dictionary

A comprehensive guide to understanding and leveraging key metrics for better business performance.

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

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Introducing the Dashboard Insights' Business Metrics Dictionary, a comprehensive guide designed to provide you with clear definitions, business impacts, and formula logic for each metric featured in our data analytics dashboards.

Gain a deeper understanding of your metrics based on industry standards, empowering you to run your business more efficiently!

Metrics Dictionary

Billing Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

Overall Billing

Total amount billed to clients over a specific period which includes all types of invoices.

Indicates the revenue generated from services rendered, essential for financial forecasting and assessing business performance.

Sum of all invoices issued to clients during a specific period


Percentage of billed hours or costs that can be recovered from clients as revenue.

Helps in evaluating the efficiency of billing processes and client agreements which ensures profitability and cash flow management.

Billable WIP / WIP Billing

Write Ons

Additional charges added to a client's invoice after the initial billing which are often for services not previously accounted for.

Reflects flexibility in billing practices and can contribute positively to revenue if managed effectively.

Sum of additional charges added to invoices after initial billing

Write Offs

Reductions in billed amounts that are deemed uncollectible or not billable to clients.

Affects profitability directly by reducing potential revenue which highlights the need for effective client management and billing accuracy.

Sum of reductions in billed amounts deemed uncollectible or non-billable

Net Write Ons / Offs

The net effect of additional charges (Write Ons) and reductions (Write Offs) on total billed amounts.

Provides a clear picture of adjustments made to billing which influences financial reporting and client relationships.

Difference of Write Ons and Write Offs

Billed Hourly Rate

Average rate charged per billable hour to clients.

Key metric for pricing strategy and profitability analysis which ensures alignment with market rates and cost recovery.

Total billed amount / Total billable hours

WIP Hourly Rate

Average rate calculated based on work in progress (WIP) hours which indicates the cost of services yet to be billed.

Helps manage cash flow by forecasting future revenue and assessing the financial health of ongoing projects.

Total WIP amount / Total WIP hours

Billing Budget

Predetermined financial target or plan for billable revenue within a specific period.

Guides revenue projections and resource allocation that are crucial for financial planning and business growth.

Budgeted revenue targets for the specified period

WIP Billing

Revenue generated from work in progress that has been billed to clients.

Indicates current revenue generation and billing efficiency which influences cash flow and profitability.

Sum of revenue from billed WIP

Miscellaneous Billing

Charges for non-standard services or items billed separately from regular fees.

Can enhance revenue diversification and profitability depending on the frequency and consistency of such charges.

Sum of charges for non-standard services or items billed separately

No WIP Billing

Revenue generated directly from services rendered that does not have any work in progress.

Provides clarity on immediate revenue streams and billing accuracy which impacts financial reporting and client billing practices.

Difference of Overall Billing and WIP Billing

Time Billing

Amount billed to clients based on the amount of time spent on their projects or services.

Influences revenue recognition and client cost management.

Billable rate * Number of billable hours

WIP Invoiced

Work in progress hours or costs that have been invoiced but not yet paid by clients.

Reflects revenue that is yet to be collected, influencing cash flow management and financial stability.

Sum of values for WIP hours or costs that have been invoiced but not yet paid

Profitability Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

Total Costs

All expenses incurred in the production or delivery of goods and services.

Determines profitability of products or services which helps pricing decisions, cost-cutting strategies, and overall financial planning.

Sum of all costs

Time Costs

Value associated with time spent on a particular activity or project which includes wages, salaries, and overhead costs incurred during that time.

Assesses the efficiency of processes and projects that aids in resource allocation and identification of opportunities for productivity improvement.

Total Labor Costs + Overhead Costs during the time period

Disbursement Costs

Expenses related to payments made which include salaries, supplier payments, rent, utilities, etc.

Ensures efficient cash flow management and budget control which helps in evaluating the financial health of the business and optimising spending.

Sum of all payments made during a specified period


Financial gain realised when revenue from sales exceeds the costs, expenses, and taxes incurred in producing and selling goods or services.

Indicates success in generating income and sustaining operations.

Revenue - Total Costs

Profit Percentage (%)

Portion of revenue that turns into profit which indicates overall profitability.

Highlights operational efficiency and helps compare profitability against industry benchmarks for informed decision-making.

(Net Profit / Total Revenue) x 100

Jobs Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

Open Jobs

Number of jobs or projects that are currently active and have not yet been completed.

Indicates the volume of ongoing work and helps in resource allocation and workload management.

Count of all jobs that are currently active and not marked as completed

Open Overdue Jobs

Number of open jobs that have passed their planned completion date.

Highlights delays in job completion which could affect client satisfaction and project profitability.

Count of open jobs where the current date is beyond the planned completion date

Open Jobs Unbilled WIP

Value of work performed on open jobs that has not yet been invoiced.

Represents potential revenue that has been earned but not yet billed which impacts cash flow and financial reporting.

Sum of all unbilled work performed on open jobs

Open Jobs Total WIP

Total value of work completed on all Open Jobs including Total WIP values invoiced.

Ensures that revenue is accounted for when work is done and not just when payment is received.

Total Value of Work Completed on Open Jobs + Total Amount Invoiced for Those Jobs

Average Open Jobs Aging

Average age of all open jobs, calculated from the start date to the current date.

Helps in understanding the typical duration of ongoing projects and identifying any delays or inefficiencies.

Sum of the age of each open job divided by the number of open jobs

Avg Days Since Last Timesheet

Average number of days since the last timesheet entry for ongoing jobs or projects.

Indicates how recently work has been recorded which can affect project tracking and billing accuracy.

Sum of days since last timesheet entry for each job divided by the number of jobs

Open Jobs Budget

Total budget allocated for all open jobs.

Provides a measure of the financial resources assigned to ongoing projects, helping to monitor budget adherence.

Sum of the budgets for all open jobs

Total WIP vs Budget

Comparison of the total work in progress (WIP) value to the total budget allocated for those jobs.

Helps in assessing if the work performed is within the budgeted limits which identifies potential overruns.

(Total WIP / Total Budget) x 100

Tasks Completed Percentage (%)

Percentage of tasks that have been completed out of the total number of tasks planned.

Reflects the progress of projects and can help in assessing productivity and project performance.

(Number of Completed Tasks / Total Number of Tasks) x 100

Open Tasks

Number of tasks that are still pending and have not been completed.

Indicates the remaining work required to complete projects and helps in tracking progress and resource allocation.

Count of tasks that are still open

Milestones Completed Percentage (%)

Percentage of project milestones that have been completed out of the total number of milestones set.

Provides an overview of the progress towards major project goals and helps in project management.

(Number of Completed Milestones / Total Number of Milestones) x 100

Open Milestones

Number of milestones that are still pending completion in ongoing projects.

Helps in tracking significant project phases and identifying any delays in reaching key goals.

Count of milestones that are still open

Actual vs Estimated Hours

The comparison between the actual hours worked and the estimated hours originally planned for a job or project.

Indicates whether projects are being completed within the estimated time frame and helps in evaluating efficiency.

Actual Hours - Estimated Hours

Completed Jobs

Number of jobs or projects that have been finished and closed.

Provides insight into completed work, helping in performance analysis and resource planning.

Count of jobs that are marked as completed

Completed Overdue Jobs

Number of completed jobs that were finished after their planned completion date.

Highlights delays in job completion which could impact client satisfaction and project evaluations.

Count of completed jobs where the completion date is beyond the planned completion date

Billable WIP

Value of work in progress that is eligible to be billed to clients.

Represents potential revenue that can be invoiced, impacting cash flow and financial health.

Sum of work in progress amounts that are billable

Completed Jobs Billing

Total amount billed for completed jobs.

Provides insight into revenue generated from completed projects and helps in financial analysis.

Sum of all billing amounts for completed jobs

Job Turnaround Time

Total time taken to complete a job from start to finish.

Helps in assessing the efficiency of job completion and can influence customer satisfaction and project planning.

Completion Date - Start Date

Turnaround Time Target

Planned or target duration for completing a job from start to finish.

Serves as a benchmark for evaluating job efficiency and meeting client expectations.

Defined target duration for each job, often set based on historical data or client requirements

Completed Jobs Billing vs Budget

Comparison between the total billing for completed jobs and the budget allocated for those jobs.

Assesses if the revenue from completed jobs aligns with the planned budget, helping to evaluate profitability.

(Completed Jobs Billing / Completed Jobs Budget) x 100

Completed Jobs WIP vs Budget

Comparison between the work in progress value for completed jobs and the budget allocated for those jobs.

Helps in understanding if the completed work was within budget limits and identifies any cost overruns.

(Completed Jobs WIP / Completed Jobs Budget) x 100

Completed Jobs Tasks

Number of tasks that have been completed within finished jobs.

Provides insight into the detailed completion status of jobs and helps in evaluating task management efficiency.

Count of tasks completed within completed jobs

Team Member Metrics

Definition & Business Impact

Business Impact

Formula Logic

Billable Hours

Total hours spent on work that can be invoiced to clients.

Directly affects revenue generation as these hours are chargeable to clients which can lead to increased profitability if maximised.

Sum of all hours worked on client-related tasks that are eligible for billing

Non-Billable Hours

Total hours spent on activities that cannot be billed to clients. (e.g., internal meetings, training, administrative tasks)

Impacts profitability as these hours do not contribute directly to revenue. Monitoring and reducing non-billable hours can improve overall efficiency.

Total hours worked - Billable Hours

Leave Hours

Total hours taken off by employees for vacation, sick leave, or personal time.

Affects workforce availability and productivity. High leave hours can reduce operational capacity and impact project timelines.

Sum of all hours taken as leave by employees

Total Timesheet Hours

Total hours recorded by employees on their timesheets.

Provides an overview of total employee effort and resource allocation that is essential in analysing productivity and capacity utilisation.

Sum of all timesheet entries

Capacity Hours

Total number of hours available for work, based on the number of employees and their working hours.

Reflects the maximum potential work output which helps in planning and resource management.

Number of employees × Standard working hours per employee

Productivity Actual (%)

Percentage of productive hours compared to the total available hours.

Measures the efficiency of resource utilisation. Higher productivity means better use of available time and resources.

(Billable Hours / Capacity Hours) × 1 00

Chargeable Hours

Similar to Billable Hours, these are hours spent on work that can be charged to clients.

Directly impacts revenue in which higher chargeable hours indicate better client utilisation and profitability.

Total hours billed to clients


Amount of WIP Added including the Net Write Ons/Offs on a specific timeframe.

Helps in aligning financial records with actual project performance and conditions.

WIP Added + Net Write Ons/Offs

Productivity Target

Desired level of productivity to achieve based on historical data, industry benchmarks, or strategic goals.

Sets performance goals and standards in which achieving or exceeding targets can lead to improved profitability and operational efficiency.

Pre-set goals or benchmarks based on historical data and business objectives

Timesheets Variance

Difference between the hours reported on timesheets and the expected or planned hours.

Highlights discrepancies in time reporting and resource utilisation which helps in identifying inefficiencies or errors.

Actual Timesheet Hours - Planned or Expected Timesheet Hours


Percentage of a team member’s billed hours or costs that can be recovered from clients as revenue.

Helps in evaluating the efficiency of billing processes and client agreements which ensures profitability and cash flow management.

Billable WIP / WIP Billing

WIP Invoiced

Value of work in progress that has been invoiced to clients.

Directly impacts cash flow and revenue in which efficient invoicing of WIP ensures timely revenue realisation.

Total value of WIP that has been billed to clients

WIP Billing

Process of billing clients for work that is still in progress.

Helps in cash flow management and realising revenue from ongoing projects.

Total amount billed for work in progress

WIP Hourly Rate

Rate at which work in progress is billed to clients based on hours worked.

Higher WIP hourly rates can increase revenue but must be balanced against client expectations and market rates.

Total WIP Invoiced / Total WIP Hours

Billed Hourly Rate

Average rate charged to clients per hour worked.

Determines revenue per hour of work in which higher billed hourly rates can improve profitability but must align with client expectations.

Total Amount Billed / Total Billable Hours

Net Write Ons / Offs

Changes to invoices based on reducing or increasing the amount billed.

Frequent write-offs may indicate issues with billing accuracy or client disputes and can affect revenue and profitability.

Total Write-Ons - Total Write-Offs

Overall Billing

Total amount billed to clients over a specific period.

Helps in evaluating the financial performance of a business given its direct impact to revenue.

Sum of all invoices issued to clients

WIP Added

Value of new work added to the work in progress during a specific period.

Indicates the growth of ongoing projects and potential future revenue in which higher WIP added may reflect increased project activity.

Total value of new WIP entries during the period

WIP Invoiced

Total value of work in progress that has been billed to clients.

Helps in managing cash flow and assessing the financial health of ongoing projects.

Sum of all invoices issued for work that is still in progress

WIP Movement

Net change in the value of work in progress over a specific period, including additions and completions.

Reflects changes in project scope and progress which helps in understanding project dynamics and financial status.

WIP Added - WIP Completed or Invoiced

WIP Total

Total value of all work in progress at a specific point in time.

Provides an overview of ongoing project values and potential revenue which helps in managing project cash flow and financial planning.

Sum of all WIP values at a given time

WIP Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

WIP Balance

Total value of work that has been started but not yet completed or billed.

High WIP Balance indicates that a significant amount of work is in progress and may suggest cash flow issues if these amounts are not invoiced soon.

Total Costs Incurred − Total Invoiced Amount

Open Jobs WIP Unbilled

Total value of work that has been completed but not yet billed for open jobs or projects.

Highlights the potential revenue that has been earned but not yet invoiced, affecting cash flow and revenue recognition.

Total WIP for Open Jobs − Amount Billed for Open Jobs

WIP Added

Value of new work added to the work in progress during a specific period.

Indicates the growth of ongoing projects and potential future revenue in which higher WIP added may reflect increased project activity.

Total value of new WIP entries during the period

WIP Invoiced

Total value of work in progress that has been billed to clients.

Helps in managing cash flow and assessing the financial health of ongoing projects.

Sum of all invoices issued for work that is still in progress

WIP Starting

WIP Balance at the beginning of a specific period.

Sets a baseline for tracking changes in WIP over time, helping to analyse trends in project progress and financial performance.

WIP Balance at the Start of the Period

Current WIP Days

Average number of days that work in progress remains in the WIP category before being billed or completed.

Key for assessing project completion and invoicing efficiency, as longer WIP Days may reveal delays or inefficiencies that need attention.

Current WIP Balance / Average Daily Cost

Time WIP

Amount of time that has been recorded for work in progress but not yet billed.

Helps keep track of work hours that haven't been billed yet, which impacts cash flow and project profits. This is important for managing billing and resource use.

Total Time Spent on WIP

Disbursement WIP

Costs incurred for work in progress that have been paid out but not yet invoiced to the client.

Affects cash flow and financial planning, as these disbursements represent out-of-pocket expenses that have not yet been reimbursed through billing.

Total Disbursements for WIP


Interim invoices or partial billing amounts for work done up to a certain point in time.

Helps in managing cash flow by allowing partial payments for ongoing work. They also help in recognising revenue progressively throughout the project.

Total Amount of Interim Invoices

WIP Movement

Net change in the WIP Balance over a specific period, capturing additions and reductions.

Provides insight into the dynamics of project progress and financial impact.

Ending WIP Balance − Starting WIP Balance

Leads Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

Total Leads

Total number of potential customers or opportunities identified within a specific period.

Helps assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and lead generation strategies.

Sum of All Leads Collected During the Period

Current Leads

Number of active leads that are still in the process of being qualified or nurtured.

Tracks ongoing sales efforts and pipeline health, giving insight into current workload and potential future revenue from leads still in the funnel.

Total Leads − (Leads Won + Leads Lost)

Leads Won

Number of leads that have successfully converted into customers or completed sales.

Key for measuring sales performance and effectiveness, impacting revenue and reflecting the success of sales and marketing efforts.

Number of Leads that Resulted in a Sale or Contract

Leads Lost

Leads that were not successfully converted into customers.

Finds problems in sales process and lead qualification, showing why leads aren't converting and suggesting ways to improve.

Number of Leads that Did Not Result in a Sale or Contract

Estimate Lead Value

Projected revenue or monetary value associated with each lead, calculated based on historical data, average deal size, or other relevant metrics.

Helps focus on valuable opportunities and use resources better, making it easier to predict revenue and see the ROI from lead generation.

Average Deal Size × Lead Conversion Probability

Lead Conversion Rate

Percentage of leads that are successfully converted into customers or sales.

Indicates an effective sales process and strong lead qualification which is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of sales strategies and optimising the sales funnel.

(Leads Won / Total Leads) x 100

Completed Activities

Number of tasks or actions related to lead management or sales activities that have been successfully finished.

Measures the effectiveness of sales and marketing teams, giving insights into lead management and sales progress.

Number of Tasks or Actions Completed

Not Completed Activities

Tasks or actions related to lead management or sales that have not yet been finished or accomplished.

Shows where follow-ups or actions are needed, helping find and fix delays in moving leads through the sales process.

Total Planned Activities − Completed Activities

Quotes Metrics


Business Impact

Formula Logic

Total Quotes

Total number of quotations or proposals issued to potential clients within a specific period.

Helps in assessing the volume of business opportunities and the effectiveness of the sales process.

Sum of Quotes Issued

Quote Amount

Total value of the quotations provided to clients.

Crucial for revenue forecasting and understanding the potential value of opportunities in the sales pipeline.

Sum of All Quote Values

Client Quoted

Number of unique clients who have received quotes within a given period.

Provides insight into how many clients are being targeted and engaged through the quoting process.

Number of Unique Clients That Received Quotes

Quote Acceptance Rate

Percentage of quotes that are accepted and converted into actual sales or contracts.

High Quote Acceptance Rate indicates that quotes are competitive and well-aligned with client needs, reflecting positively on the sales process.

(Number of Quotes Accepted / Total Number of Quotes) x 100

Valid Quotes

Quotations that meet all necessary criteria for consideration, such as accurate pricing, complete information, and compliance with client requirements.

Helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the quoting process and ensures that only accurate and compliant quotes are considered for follow-up.

Number of Quotes that Meet All Criteria

Quote Budget

Estimated cost or budget outlined in the quote provided to the client.

Helps in aligning client expectations with financial projections and ensures that the quote is realistic and feasible.

Estimated Total Cost in the Quote

Quote Cost

Actual cost incurred to fulfill the quotation, including production, labor, and materials.

Helps in assessing the profitability of each quote and managing financial performance.

Actual Cost to Fulfill the Quote

Quote Profit

Difference between the Quote Amount and the Quote Cost.

Assesses if quotes are financially viable and pricing strategies are effective, helping to evaluate the profit potential of each opportunity.

Quote Amount − Quote Cost

Quote Profit Margin

Percentage of profit relative to the Quote Amount.

Assesses the efficiency of pricing and cost management, offering insights into quote profitability and helping set competitive prices.

(Quote Profit / Quote Amount) x 100

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