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Dashboard Insights Usage Tips
Written by DI_Support
Updated over a month ago

Usage Tips

These are opportunities for review and improvement of your business and operational processes through your XPM practice and your use of the dashboards.

Note: These are only ideas that we'd like to share as best practices for accounting firms like yours. It's 100% your call to decide whether to consider these below!


  • WIP on Archived Clients and Completed Jobs can be investigated to recover it or to Write it Off.

💡Practical Tip: In the WIP Management Dashboard, it is advisable to conduct this review as a monthly-end procedure.

Client Partner: the primary individual responsible for managing and maintaining their client's WIP Balance.

  • The Aged WIP must be investigated to identify billing opportunities.


  • There are Jobs with Due dates of 30/6/2040 that can be cleared or removed.

  • Several Jobs that have not been attended in the past 100 days require investigation.

💡Practical Tip: Regular checking can be accompanied by utilising the "Days Since Last Timesheet" filter in the Job Management Dashboard.

  • When invoicing a Job, allocate the appropriate value to each task within the Job.

Dashboard Insights Support

Navigating new tools and features can sometimes be a challenge, but you’re never alone on this journey. Simply contact your Account Manager for tailored guidance or shoot us an email at [email protected] for comprehensive support. We’re dedicated to your success and are here to address any questions or issues you may have, so don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us assist you in achieving your goals!

What’s next

Take the time to explore the dashboards and get a sense of the project's progress and performance. For a detailed outline of what’s ahead, check out the Project Status Tracker that your Account Manager has sent you via email. This tracker will guide you through the next steps and keep you aligned with our project milestones.

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