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WFM Leads Details Dashboard

Understand what this dashboard is for, its importance, navigation, and the relevant FAQs!

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Written by DashboardInsights Team
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the dashboard

The Leads Details Dashboard provides an in-depth reference into essential business data that identifies opportunities and potential risks in client acquisitions. This dashboard offers actionable insights through detailed breakdowns of business data for analysis and monitoring requirements.

Why is it important?

The Leads Details Dashboard provides you with the following relevant information:

  • Provides actionable insights on how marketing strategies are performing in relation with market demand

  • Empowers you to identify individual contributions with team members that constitute the business’ condition towards defined objectives and targets

  • Helps you reflect on wins and losses to further optimise strategies moving forward

Explore the Lead Details Dashboard by clicking through the interactive demo below!

Interactive demo

Dashboard FAQs

  • Can I filter data in the Leads Details Dashboard for specific team members only?

    • Yes, you can filter the data by selecting specific team members from the list. You can choose multiple team members to review their performance and contribution.

  • How can I see data for Leads Won or Lost in the dashboard?

    • Simply click the buttons at the top right of the dashboard to filter and view data for Leads Won, Leads Lost, or both.

  • What data range limitations can I set in the dashboard?

    • You can set the time period for your data by choosing from preset options or entering your own start and end dates. You can also adjust the range by selecting items or points on the graph.

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